How To Network With Other Authority Bloggers

3 min read 0 Responses
Syed Naimath 8 years ago

Bloggers may come and go, but authority bloggers stay.

And you want to be someone who stays.

One way about it is to get to know other authority bloggers. Mingle minds with them. And let them teach you what worked for them, and why.


But then the question is – how do you network with them?

If you want know how to, read on.

1.) Reach out to them on social media


You can tell if someone is an authority blogger just by their social media.

Their posts are shared everywhere, and they need no introduction.

Reaching out to them on social media is an effective step towards networking, However, Facebook may be an unlikely option, since it is where mostly close relations are added.

They can, however, be part of groups, forums and message boards, on social media. Connecting with them there is easier than on a personal profile.

Another non-intrusive way is to tweet them. They must have hundreds of twitter followers, with plenty of mentions. But they’re also likely to keep a check on them, so your tweet will mostly be a read tweet.

2.) Leave them genuine comments on blogs posts


A blog is an authority blogger’s livelihood.

So when people take time to read their blog posts, it can be very significant to the author.

After you read a chosen post by the blogger, comment on it. And not just any polite comment, but one that shows that you read the whole article carefully.

Focus on a specific detail that you liked, like their style, or level of detail, or a reference they made.

They can then know that you want to be an involved reader, enough to leave a worthwhile comment. And that can be the basis of further relations.

3.) Email them a collaboration proposal


A purposeful email is a powerful email.

With respect to networking, that is. And generally.

Receiving constant emails is mostly an expected occurrence for an authority blogger. That is what their contact forms – that have their emails – are for.

Include a personal reason as to why you like their blog posts. Then you can state what you have in mind for a collaboration. Explain to them the benefits of doing so.

Also, keep in mind that there can be other emails they receive similarly. Therefore right in the beginning, give them a distinct incentive to read the whole email.

4.) Meet offline


For an effective introduction, or a lasting seal on an online relationship, meet offline.

A face-to-face meeting can leave a lasting impression of you on another person. If said person is an authority blogger, a live meeting is the authority blogger of interactions.

You can also learn more from them when you meet them personally. Details that can’t be covered in written word, without writing excessively, can be quickly addressed live.

To know where they’re held, a service like Lanyrd can help you discover events around your desired location, and what kind of event it is.

5.) Share their stuff that you like


If you like a piece by your favorite authority blogger, then share it. On Facebook. On LinkedIn. Anywhere.

Choose bloggers and their pieces that you personally like, and show your support for them. Like/share it on your social media, or on your blog.

It indirectly gives them more authority, by exposing them to your audience as a knowledgeable voice on a subject – which they can find valuable.

Importantly, they’ll know that you’ve provided value to them, and can be more readily willing to return the same.

Conclusion –

Being an authority blogger takes a lot of work.

Getting to the position of being an authority blogger, takes even greater effort. Networking with other such bloggers can help ease and shorten that phase, and I hope these tips help you do exactly that.

How do you network with fellow authority bloggers? What methods do you use to approach them? Tell us below in the comments.

About Syed Naimath

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